I work on the design and implementation of programming languages. I led the implementation of the first real-time Java virtual machine to be flight-tested. With Noble and Potter, I proposed what became known as Ownership Types. I tried to understand JavaScript by dynamic analysis and am now looking at supporting scalable data analysis in R.
I work on R language implementation (AST/byte-code interpreter, runtime). I worked on Java and real-time Java implementations (garbage collector, ahead-of-time compiler, interrupt control), on benchmarks and on benchmarking methodology (modeling non-determinism with random effects).
Coming from software engineering and domain-specific modeling. I’m interested in various aspects of programming languages in particular in static and dynamic program analysis. Most recently I have been working on dynamic tracing in R.
My research interests is in programming languages, specifically type theory, ownership types, and local reasoning for memory management. Most recently, I have been working on formalising object cloning for ownership types.
I am interested in contributing to programming language research, which is a new field to me. I have a background in distributed computing, concurrency, and transactional memory. I am currently exploring the R language, its compilation, tracing, and static analysis.
I am a master's student at FIT CTU. I am interested in implementation of programming languages.
I am the first point of contact for any issues or discrepancies arising from anywhere. My work is to prepare, coordinate, control such matters as budget, reports and various issues linked to the project. My goal is to give others as much space as possible to concentrate on their research work.
I worked on an analysis of large software repositories. This included exploring properties of JavaScript projects on GitHub, searching for clones within the projects and looking for ways to apply machine learning techniques to improve security and performance of JavaScript code without executing it.
I worked in PRL-PRG lab on my bachelors thesis. My assignment was to implement serialization of closures in genthat, an automatic test generator for R.
While I was an intern in the PRG lab, I spent six months in Boston at Northeastern working on genthat, a tool for automated test generation for R packages.